Excellence History of Universitas Methodist Indonesia Medan since 1965

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The establishment of Universitas Methodist Indonesia Medan (UMI) can be traced back to the initiative of a church member, the late Drs. F. Hutagalung. His proposal, made during the annual GMI (Gereja Methodist Indonesia) conference on January 29, 1969, received enthusiastic support and became one of the conference’s decisions.

With very limited facilities, on August 1, 1965, the Methodist Indonesian College Medan (PTMI) was established. Initially, lectures were conducted at the Indonesian Methodist Christian School on Jalan Thamrin No. 58 (now PKMI 2).

Responding to the growing interest in higher education, PTMI expanded its faculties in 1967, opening the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Recognizing the substantial community support, PTMI continued to develop its physical infrastructure and improve its status.

In 1968, PTMI established the Faculty of Medicine, and both faculties were registered with the PTIP under letter no. 156A/DPT/I/1969 on September 4, 1969. Following the regulations of Law No. 22 of 1961 concerning higher education, PTMI, managing two exact and two non-exact faculties, transformed into Universitas Methodist Indonesia Medan (UMI Medan) on September 4, 1969.

Campus Development and New Faculties of Universitas Methodist Indonesia

After meeting the university standards, during the Great Conference 1 of the Indonesian Methodist Church in Medan, from February 12 to 16, 1969, it was decided that the UMI Medan campus would be located at Jalan Hang Tuah No. 8, Medan. The university’s growth necessitated a comprehensive and integrated development program.

This vision materialized with the inauguration of the new campus II building on June 22, 1993, located on Jalan Setia Budi Pasar II Tanjung Sari, Medan. The Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Agriculture were relocated to this new campus. In the 2001/2002 academic year, UMI introduced a Diploma 3 (D-3) program in Management Informatics and Computerized Accounting.

Further Expansion and Modern Programs

By the end of the second semester of the 2004/2005 academic year, UMI established a new Faculty of Computer Science, offering two study programs: Informatics Engineering and Information Systems. This was formalized by the National Education Department’s letter No. 3096/D/T/2005 dated September 16, 2005.

In the second semester of 2018, UMI added a new undergraduate program in Information Technology Education within the Faculty of Computer Science. In 2020, two more graduate programs were introduced: the Master of Management Science in the Faculty of Economics and the Master of Biomedical Science in the Faculty of Medicine. Currently, Universitas Methodist Indonesia manages 14 study programs across five faculties.

Vision and Mission

UMI aspires to become a professional university with faith and ethical character, excelling in the development of science and technology at a global level by 2035.

To achieve this vision, UMI’s mission includes:

  1. Providing quality education capable of developing science, technology, and the arts.
  2. Developing, creating, and disseminating meaningful and beneficial knowledge in science, technology, and the arts for national development in a pluralistic society.
  3. Developing an autonomous, efficient, effective, and accountable university governance system while enhancing mutual symbiosis.

Faculties at Universitas Methodist Indonesia:

  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Faculty of Literature
  • Faculty of Agriculture
  • Faculty of Computer Science

Study Programs:

  • English Literature
  • Medical Education
  • Agrotechnology
  • Agribusiness
  • Management
  • Accounting
  • Management Informatics
  • Computerized Accounting
  • Informatics Engineering
  • Information Systems
  • Medical Profession
  • Information Technology Education
  • Master of Management Science
  • Master of Biomedical Science

Universitas Methodist Indonesia Medan has grown from a modest college with limited facilities to a significant institution of higher learning in Indonesia. Its development reflects a commitment to expanding educational opportunities and meeting the evolving needs of society. With a clear vision and mission, UMI continues to strive for excellence, ensuring it remains a vital contributor to the nation’s educational landscape.


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